
Pacific Halibut Weight


2.11 lbs

Length (in) Weight (lbs)
20 3
25 6
30 12
35 19
40 29
Length (in) Weight (lbs)
45 43
50 60
55 82
60 109
65 141
Length (in) Weight (lbs)
70 179
75 224
80 277
85 336
90 406
Length (in) Weight (lbs)
95 488
100 570
105 663
110 760
115 860


Our Pacific Halibut Weight Calculator provides a quick and easy way to estimate the weight of a Pacific Halibut based on its length. Simply enter the length in inches or centimeters, and the calculator will give you an approximate weight in pounds or kilograms.

This tool was created using verified data from length-to-weight tables, ensuring reliable estimates. While it's not a precise measurement tool, it offers a good estimate for anglers who practice catch-and-release fishing. The calculator is designed for easy use, helping you estimate your catch's weight without harming the fish.

Pacific Halibut, also known as Alaska Halibut, are prized for their size and taste. They are found in the Northern Pacific Ocean and can grow to over 8 feet in length and weigh more than 500 pounds. Sustainable fishing practices are important for preserving this species, and tools like this calculator support responsible angling.


The weight is calculated based on verified length-to-weight data.

The calculator uses a table of values for halibut weight depending on length, offering an estimate rather than a precise formula-based calculation.

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