
Salmon Weight


Weight Calculator Formula:

Weight (kg) = K × (Length (cm)³ / 100)

K-Factor Weight (kg) Length (cm) Market Description
0.8 3.9 70 Underweight, below market standard
1.0 4.9 70 Market standard, healthy salmon
1.2 5.9 70 Well-fed, premium salmon
1.4 6.9 70 Fat, high-quality salmon


The Weight Calculator estimates the weight of a fish based on its length and K-Factor, offering a quick and efficient way to measure biomass for aquaculture professionals or estimate the weight of a catch for anglers. Designed for species like Atlantic salmon, trout, and sea trout, this tool allows you to determine a fish’s weight by entering its length and K-Factor, which represents the fish's condition and health.

Whether you're managing fish stock or practicing sustainable fishing, this calculator simplifies the process of estimating fish weight, giving you valuable insights without the need for manual weighing.

How to Use

Input the fish’s length (in centimeters or inches) and K-Factor. The calculator will provide the estimated weight in grams or kilograms using the following formula:

Weight (g) = K-Factor × (Length (cm)³) / 100

This formula gives a reliable estimate of the fish’s weight based on its length and condition, helping aquaculture professionals and anglers alike.

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